Commercial subversion, from Chayse Porter with ‘Carol’s Boutique’

Chayse Porter (Human Beat, Seriously) takes you on a journey of lost and long-forgotten splendor, where the sound of soft keyboard flute rings out from an ov...

Chayse Porter is an active component of the music scene of Alabama, taking the role of bassist in the punk group ‘Human Beat’, as well as getting involved with the more laid back tones of the band ‘Seriously’. His most recent release takes a departure from these genres, although there’s a tangible counter-culture irony in the muzac style of ‘Carol’s Boutique’.

The track came through the Earth Libraries label, supporters of modern punk, psych and experimental and with whom Porter has worked previously. Made public on May 2nd, the track fits neatly in the easy listening zone and took inspiration from shopping mall local to Porter.

As intended, it’s an enjoyable, evanescent track which seems somewhat passive at face value. The twist that gives this one flavour is the detail at the edges of the track, beyond the melody put together with thrift store keyboards. Faint synth starts to fade in an air of vaporwave to match the commercial overtone captured by Porter, and the samples at the edge of hearing which fit an altogether different aesthetic comprised partly of the slow build up to a subtly jarring outro, leaving the consumerist atmosphere unsure of itself.

Pre-order the album on Bandcamp or stream the single on Spotify

Check out more from Chayse Porter
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Browse the rad sounds of Alabama label- Earth Libraries
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