Something brand new from Montell Martin’s debut: Glovebox

It’s hard to get fresher; ‘Glovebox’ is Montell Martin’s first track, but the sound flows like it’s effortless.  Martin comes from the UK, based in London, and part of this debut release’s soul is mixed up in the home-grown vibe that fills up each second held up by the emerging artist.

Submissions with such a central vocal element aren’t generally the focus for ADSR Collective, but the balance between electronic foundation and lyrical rhythm is pulled off with talent, each complementing the other in a partnership, as opposed to the relationship of primary and secondary in most lo-fi hip hop. The chorus hits at the same level as the beats which starting melt through the sound, vocal elements carrying the same honey through a cozy pop vibe. The drum beats hit an essential pulse taking precedence and receding to generate a rhythm that stays chilled.

You can find the genuine personality of start-up SoundCloud hopefuls here, but Martin seems past the point of looking for a personality in his sound, instead looking to explore the potential that’s evidentially already present. The video delivered alongside this gives off the same sense of community, and music for the sake of music.

More from Montell Martin:
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