Emily Sprague speaks with a new voice, through ‘Chasing Light’

Artist and musician Emily A. Sprague creates a calming multi-sensory experience set to the ambient sounds of an original arrangement crafted with the Moog On...

The musician progresses in a new direction contemplating the ambient

Much of Emily Sprague’s previous experience in music has been rooted in the more tangible world of folk, as both writer and composer for the group ‘Florist’.

The distance to be travelled into more concentrated environments of electronica is not something which has gone unnoticed by Sprague, and the artist has commented on the challenge of communicating through a sonic medium rather than lyrical one. It’s a journey which has been embarked upon with both confidence and excitement however, and the artist’s connection to the iconic Moog Music promises to add fuel to the process.

Her recent track ‘Chasing Light’ gives us a sense of Sprague’s personal approach to producing. The single was released alongside footage exploring natural beauty, with the music manipulated in order to complement and reflect the visuals. The dreamlike ambience diffuses, softening into the atmosphere and reaching us as a multi-layered experience.

Sprague is set to continue venturing down this fresh creative path, already following ‘Chasing Light’ with the ambient electronic album ‘Hill, Flower, Fog’. Again, themes of nature find space to expand in Sprague’s work, developing a warm, comfortable environment in which the artist can patiently bring life to her ideas and chase after curiosities.

Support the new album on Bandcamp or stream it on Spotify

Check out more from Emily Sprague
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