Unveiling Cinematic Soundscapes: A Journey Through 'Lost in Reality' by Metro Riders

Hailing from Sweden, Henrik Stelzer, the creative mind behind the enigmatic project "Metro Riders," continues to push boundaries and captivate listeners with his latest release, "Lost in Reality." Drawing inspiration from the gritty European genre films of the 1980s, Stelzer weaves a distinct auditory tapestry that bridges the past and the present. With an arsenal of obsolete analog recording equipment and outdated software, he conjures a suspenseful and gloomy reimagining of sounds lost in time, reminiscent of everything from prophetic visions of John Carpenter to the cybernetic underbelly of "The Skaters."

"Metro Riders" has carved a niche within the musical landscape, employing textures and contrasts instead of traditional hooks to create an immersive experience that resonates deeply. Stelzer's discography, including his debut album "Europe By Night," has consistently channeled the essence of cinema and transformed it into sonic landscapes that convey a cinematic journey. This musical voyage, steeped in nostalgia yet propelled by forward-thinking creativity, has been honed through meticulously curated recording setups, often using reel-to-reel and magnetic tape to capture the authentic essence of an era long past.

With "Lost in Reality," Metro Riders maps out an evocative geography of nocturnal cities, inviting listeners to traverse their emotional contours. This album is a testament to Stelzer's mastery in blending the visual allure of cinema with the power of music. The cinematic haze that envelops each track allows us to view these urban spaces with fresh eyes, navigating through dark alleys and confronting the harsh realities of contemporary politics. While escapism is subtly interwoven into the fabric of the album, it serves not as an ultimate destination but as a catalyst for envisioning a utopian language of change. "Lost in Reality" emerges as a sonic odyssey that leaves an indelible mark, a harmonious blend of nostalgia and innovation that showcases Metro Riders' ability to transmute the intangible realms of film into an immersive auditory experience.

Out September, 29, 2023- Pre-order on the Possible Motive Bandcamp!