Sonic Cinema 25- Music videos from Uéle Lamore, Pink Sky, and Arswain

Uéle Lamore’s latest EP Multiply will be released on November 25th. This single from the album merges indie-rock, electronic, and post-classical sounds to make a fuzzy, Avant Garde song inspired by the soundtrack of Stranger Things. The accompanying video for “Something About Us” features ironic and humorous text, as well as first-person footage of travels across Paris and Europe, with personal scenes of the musician socializing, playing the guitar, and more. As a follow up to her debut LOOM, this track takes her experimental merging o melodies to a new level.

Pink Sky combines synthesizers, drum machines, samplers, and piano with live instruments and experimental vocals by Angelica. Their upcoming album Total Devotion marks the first time the group strays from a purely instrumental sound and integrates honest and intimate vocals. “Behind the Sun,” combines heavy drums and thick synths, producing a video that takes place in a desert, Mars-like landscape where the artists trek across sand dunes wearing all-black. After coming upon mysterious stones, they see a fireball burning out in the sky, serving as a premonition of what’s to come.

“Depart” is the newest single from Arswain. As an experimental electronic artist, their new track creates a robust, ambient, textured soundscape that brings listeners to an ethereal state. Arswain regards the piece as their ‘pandemic piece,’ one that expresses an outpouring of malaise and dullness. As a result, the track is an exploration of that internal emotional experience and the disconnect between the global nature of the pandemic, and the inner solitude it brought. The accompanying video morphs color and light in an abstract form, playing it on an old Sony TV set for a solitary figure to watch.