Home-grown in New York: Astral Bird’s ‘K2000’

Mixed by Will Owen Bennet Mastered by Nicholas Di Lorenzo

When artists spend time picking through samples, aligning up beat tracks, and getting in touch with sound that inspires them, that energy electrifies their work. Real experience and emotion makes real music, and the warmth that resonates through the beats created by Astral Bird forms a link between you and the people behind the project.

Kicking off as a high school duo in New York, Benn Gabriner and Jake Brussel Faria have been piecing together singles which string together gems of innovation. Their approach to the sound they’re collaborating often changes, the mood in their tracks shifts around to hit on different vibes, and it’s apparent that the two are searching for different techniques to mess around with and try out. There’s no discoordination in the end product though. Bars of synthwave link together with found sound, glitch and jazz-hop. There’s an overall atmosphere of mellow lo-fi house, but always with an original flavour.

Gabriner and Faria are now divided by distance and based in LA and Brooklyn respectively, with a fairly sporadic release rate. On this occasion however, we’re presented with a solo effort from Gabriner as he releases ‘K2000’ under the Astral Bird moniker. The New York inspired soul is still there.

Grab the track over on Bandcamp or stream it on Spotify.

Hear more from Astral Bird
Soundcloud / Facebook / Bandcamp / Spotify